#06 <The Kenford Fineshoes> EVENT REPORT
From The Kenford Fineshoes Staff on Wednesday , May 24 , 2023

Thank you for visiting our online store. This time, we will deliver snaps of the Pop Up Store "IRIBITARI" held at "STADIUM" in Harajuku from May 20th to 21st. First time wearing loafers. For those who say, and customers who already love fine shoes. We will also introduce the voices we received during the period, so please take a look at the rough.

・ Immerse yourself in the world of STADIUM
During the exhibition period, while making the most of the world view of STADIUM, we displayed it on the in-store VP fixtures with the image of "loafers immersed in it". Kenford has a lineup of new colors and materials that are not found in existing leather shoes, so it has a unique presence in the world of STADIUM. Many customers have visited us.

・Loafers that feel the air that you want to match with rough
After casually stepping in, there are many customers who spend their time thinking, "What color should I choose?" “I want to pick out the colors of my clothes and hats and choose them to match ” or “I want a color that no one else wears”. I was.
・ Loafers that you want to wear because you are Japanese
During the period, there were many customers from overseas who were interested in Japanese products, but seeing them like that was a great opportunity for us, Japanese people, to become interested in Japanese products again. It was a period. There are also enthusiastic comments from customers, such as, "I want to spread the creativity of Japan and Tokyo while wearing Japanese products."
Photos that have not been published here will be released sequentially on Instagram. Please check it out. Photos that have not been published here will be published on Instagram. Please check it out. We'll see you somewhere!
The Kenford Fineshoes Staff
: Instagram < https://www.instagram.com/stadium_03/ >
: Online < https://www.stadium03.com/ >