#16 < The Kenford Fineshoes > EVENT REPORT
From The Kenford Fineshoes Staff on Monday, October 16, 2023

Thank you for visiting our online store. This time, we will be reporting on the launch event for "Loafer Accessories" that was held the other day. This was our first attempt at an event that focused on something other than shoes, but many people came to the store for that purpose, and the accessories were sold out. . . The event was very popular, with many inquiries regarding resale.

An accessory that can bring a new look to your loafers by simply attaching them to your loafers. It's good to buy new designs, but I want you to wear out your favorite pair. It contains a message from the brand.
The lineup of brands represented at Journal Standard Omotesando store will be available for viewing in Nagoya from October 20th (Friday). It has also been decided that a restock of accessories will be sold. If you're in the area, please make sure to schedule a visit!
10/20 Fri - 10/29 Sun: BAYCREW'S STORE NAGOYA
@baycrewsstore_nagoya < https://www.instagram.com/baycrewsstore_nagoya/ >
@jsomotesando < https://www.instagram.com/jsomotesando/ >
The Kenford Fineshoes Staff