Black Crocodile Combi Loafers

This product was directed by CANNABIS, a select shop based in Harajuku that has been promoting its own unique culture for many years. Two different types of crocodile leather were newly selected from over 500 patterns available in domestic workshops, and a combination was created. The visuals, which were also directed by CANNABIS like the product, feature a photo session with close friends, and each person wearing the simple yet punchy loafers in their own style.

“Black Crocodile Combi Loafers” Direction by CANNABIS

Johnny Hiramoto @johnnyhiramoto
T×BONE @txbone878
TAPPEI @tappeis
iz @iz_1984
Ken Yokokura @gamemasterkn
Nina Utashiro & Cruella Utashiro @ninautashiro
HIMAWARI @h_mawari
Ryota Hatanaka @ryota_hatanaka

Taisei Iwasaki @taiseiiwasaki

Hair Make
Yoko Minami @yokominamimua

CANNABIS @cannabis_tokyo